Try our affordable subscriptions!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
Professional styling products
It is closer to what you want your hair to look like, and it is highly reproducible.
To use, simply apply evenly.
It is designed to bring out the individuality of your hair in a natural way.
STYLINGstyling product
Elixir Oil30ml50%OFF
Elixir Oil100ml50%OFF
Sea Water200ml50%OFF
shimmer whip80g50%OFF
Try our affordable subscriptions!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
Styling Products
by Concerns
For those concerned about dryness and spreading
Gives silky shine and leaves hair moist and manageable.
Dewy Elixir Oil
¥8,800 / 100ml天然由来成分
Approximate consumption for 100ml: 27 days
*Recommended consumption varies depending on the hair type and amount of hair, so please refer to the estimated amount at the bottom of this page. -
To the perms that have fallen off.
It is easy to style a faded perm or create a loose, natural style.
Bohemian Sea Water
¥3,960 / 200ml天然由来成分
Rough consumption estimate for 200ml is about 41 days
*Recommended consumption varies depending on the hair type and amount of hair, so please refer to the estimated amount at the bottom of this page. -
For those who want their hair to be manageable.
For supple, manageable hair.
Adds weight to styling.DEWY SHIMMER WHIP
dewy shimmer whip
¥3,960 / 80g天然由来成分
Approximate consumption for 80g is about 13 days
*Recommended consumption varies depending on the hair type and amount of hair, so please refer to the estimated amount at the bottom of this page.
- スタイル紹介
- She specializes in hair that is natural yet modern. We are especially good at three-dimensional bobs, unisex short hair, and creating nuances around the face for a stylish look. We also offer nuanced hair that reproduces the frizzy hair of foreigners with digital perms recommended for a wide range of lengths, high tones, and design colors with a three-dimensional feel to suit each customer.
- おすすめしたいアイテム
- Oil and tonic.
I love this set because it acts like a base before styling!
The design color is put in the image of a geological formation in a three-dimensional bob.
Bohemian Sea Water is used to create an edgy air. -
Gradient cut with fascinating earring lines. The front part of the hair is designed to have random movement, creating a unisex, cute mood short hair. Sea water is roughly applied to the entire hair to add a glossy oil shine!
Reproduce foreigner's natural wavy hair. Digital perm creates carefree and calculated habit hair. Soft texture is ◎! Styling is seawater. Styling will be lectured!
- スタイル紹介
- Layered, short and bob cuts. Perm styles and cosmetic straightening are my specialty.
Colors include orange color and transparent beige color. We offer styles that match your fashion and lifestyle.
- おすすめしたいアイテム
- Oil and Sea Water, whipped
Back cut in a bob, boldly cut around the face and styled carelessly with Sea Water.
The hair is cut close to the face with high layers in the back.
Loosely permed and styled with oil and sea water. -
Layered around the face and styled straight. Only oil is used.
- スタイル紹介
- I specialize in long and medium styles with a loose feel and wavy styles like quirky. Natural highlights to match European-like transparent colors and styles are our specialty. We also recommend simple and stylish hair arrangements that match the color and fashion. I am conscious of proposing styles and colors that would suit each individual person, without deciding on any one thing.
- おすすめしたいアイテム
- Elixir Oil and Sea Water.
Shimmer whip for hair arrangements.
The hair ends are cut with a curly cut, and a frizzy wave is added. Loose perming is also recommended. Styling was done with oil on the base and Sea Water main.
The hair is heavy and has a slight loose movement from the bang to the face area. The color is blended to create transparency and brighten the appearance of the skin. Styling is done with oil. We also recommend applying Sea Water where you want to create nuance.
This hair arrangement is simple and brings out the orange color. When putting it together, shimmer whip is often used as the main ingredient. If you want to add shine, add oil lightly on the surface.
Great value for money subscription!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
Trial mini size first
SENSE OF HUMOUR offers a mini-size version for customers to try.
For those who want to have luster and hair repair
Dewy Elixir Oil
¥ 8,800 / 100ml
A light-textured treatment oil that can be used not only for hair but also for the whole body. It contains 10 kinds of plant oils as well as plant extracts and shea butter in good balance. It gives hair a silky shine and moisturizes skin. It can be used as a leave-in treatment after washing hair, as a body oil, or as an accent for hair styling.
- こんな方におすすめ
●I want my hair to be shiny.
●Concerned about dryness and damage
●I want to protect my hair from ultraviolet rays.
●I am looking for a treatment or body oil that does not rinse off.
- 香り
- Citrus notes, mainly mandarin and pink lotus, leave a sensual aftertaste.
For those who want to create nuance
Bohemian Sea Water
¥ 3,960 / 200ml
It gives the hair a rough bundled look and a frizzy nuance, creating a loose, sophisticated, foreign look. The fast-drying water-based formula is non-sticky and easily creates a natural style with just the right amount of effort.
- こんな方におすすめ
●I want volume.
●I want to have more body.
●I want to create nuance.
●I want to get back the perm that has fallen off.
- 香り
- A carefully selected blend of pink lotus and other natural essential oils such as linden blossom, iris, and Osmanthus.
The fragrance has a subtle bohemian and noble aroma.
For those who suffer from dry, brittle hair
dewy shimmer whip
¥ 3,960 / 3,960
A well-balanced blend of plant oils and plant extracts helps reduce dryness and leads to supple, manageable hair. When applied to dry hair, it gives hair luster and a light hold.
- こんな方におすすめ
●I want my hair to be shiny.
●I want to make my hair moist.
●I want to add weight to my styling.
- 香り
- A carefully selected blend of natural essential oils centered on Pink & Blue Lotus. A slightly sweet floral fragrance spreads. Directions for use
Great value for money subscription!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
Trial mini size first
SENSE OF HUMOUR offers a mini-size version for customers to try.
CLEAN BEAUTYクリーンビューティー宣言
サステナビリティに配慮したバランスの中で成分にとことんこだわり、そのうえで納得できる使用感を導きだしています。- STANDARDセンス・オブ・ヒューモアが考えるクリーンビューティーの基準
- ●天然由来成分100% *一部商品を除く
- ●地球とすべての生物に負担をかけない成分を使用します。
- ●優れた天然成分を厳選し、納得してお使いいただける製品であることを目指しています。
- ●からだに害のある添加物やアレルギーを起こす可能性のある成分は使用しません。(石油系界面活性剤、鉱物油、防腐剤、タール系着色料、合成香料、リンス剤、動物由来成分、シリコン、パラベン、旧表示指定成分)
- ●合成防腐剤は使用していません。
- ●動物実験を行いません。
- ●安全性が確認されていないナノマテリアルの原料は使用しません。
- ●製品が完成した後も、持続可能かつ高機能な自然由来成分の配合率を高めていくための努力を続けています。
- 6つのフリー
- 肌に優しい
成分 - 環境配慮
肌に触れるものだからこそ肌に優しく、成分やこだわりをもって作り続けたい。SENSE OF HUMOURは3つのこだわりをもってより最高品質の製品で本物の価値を提供します。
安全性とサスティナビリティを高め、促進していくためにも「不使用」である理由を明らかにしています。- 石油系界面活性剤
- 鉱物油
- 防腐剤
- 動物性由来成分
- 合成香料
- 合成着色料
天然由来の美容成分を厳選して凝縮、贅沢に使用しています。 肌に優しい、植物オイルや植物成分にこだわった商品を開発をしています。
- ●製品が完成した後も、持続可能かつ高機能な自然由来成分の配合率を高めていくための努力を続けています。
- ●詰め替えリフィルは、レギュラーサイズボトルよりプラスチックを約60%削減しています。
また、レギュラーボトル2本購入時より、詰め替えリフィルの方が最大4,400円お得です。 - ●動物実験を行いません。
- ●ショップバッグは、環境に優しく繰り返し使用できる不織布バッグを採用。
- ●過剰に資材を使用しません。
オンラインストアの納品書などのデジタル化や、商品のお届け時の梱包資材の削減など必要最低限の資材で対応します。 - ●人体と環境に配慮すべく、プラスチックフリーに取り組んでいきます。
Great value for money subscription!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
Trial mini size first
SENSE OF HUMOUR offers a mini-size to try out the feel of the product.
I have used many oils in the past, but this is the best in both feel and scent! I use it as a body oil as it can be used all over my body. I don't know how many bottles I have already used.
Can create exquisite and fashionable textures.
I love it because it gives my hair an exquisite and stylish texture that cannot be found anywhere else! I use it when I want a rough haircut because it is not sticky and gives volume.
When you want to put your hair up or when it's humid.
DEWY SHIMMER WHIPdewy shimmer whip
It has a moist texture more like hair cream than wax. It reduces volume and adds shine, so it is useful when you want to put your hair up or when there is a lot of humidity!
Numerous media coverage!
Many celebrities are patrons!
It is introduced through social networking sites, magazines and media.
What is KENICHI's own brand SENSE OF HUMOUR?
The concept is "elusive beauty."
SENSE OF HUMOUR was born from poetic humor, elegance, and an unconventional bohemian spirit.
Working at the forefront of the fashion and beauty industry in Japan and abroad,
and using many products on photo shoots, she felt that there were few products that anyone could handle, leading to the launch of the brand.
- 2005年
- 2005年~
- 2013年
SENSE OF HUMOURの代表として、事業を立ち上げ。
- 2016年
- 2018年
- 天皇皇后両陛下よりご昼餐に招かれたヨルダン国ラーニア王妃のヘアを担当。
- 2020年
- 4月表参道にSENSE OF HUMOURの旗艦店をオープン。
- Mao Asada
- Royal Family of Jordan Queen Rania
- Haruka Ayase
- Alexa Chang
- Juri Ueno
- Ewan McGregor
- Nana Eikura
- Bae Tuna
- Koharu Sugawara
- Nick Cave
- Minami Tanaka
- Aya Ueto
- Erika Toda
- Yoshino Kimura
- Reina Triendl
- Nana Komatsu
- Miho Nakayama
- Erika Toda
- Masami Nagasawa
- Ayami Nakajo
- Ryoko Yonekura
- Kiyoshi Hikawa
- Junichi Okada
- Suzu Hirose
- Ryo Kase
- Maison Margiela
- Issey Miyake
- Wise Pink
- Stone Island
- Gucci
- Adidas
- Nike
- Samsung
- Mazda
- Kanebo
- Kose
- Japan Airlines (JAL)
- Japan Racing Association (JRA)
- Uniqlo
- i-D
- Exit
- Fantastic Man
- Gentle Woman
- Marie Claire(UK.US.JAPAN)
- Dazed & Confused(UK)
- W magazine(UK)
- 10men
- Figaro
- fujin gahou
- Otona muse etc
Try our affordable subscriptions!
*15% off the second purchase and thereafter.
STYLINGstyling product
Elixir Oil30ml50%OFF
Elixir Oil100ml50%OFF
Sea Water200ml50%OFF
shimmer whip80g50%OFF
- クレジット払い
- VISA・AMEXカードなど対応
- アップルペイ
- アップルペイ・Amazon Payなど対応
- 代金引き換え
- 代金引換払い
About our products
Dewy Elixir Oil
Doesn't oil weigh down my hair when I put it on?
Dewy Elixir Oil is a light-textured oil that is stretchy even in small amounts, so it is not sticky or heavy.
Ingredients are formulated to blend well with the hair and penetrate to the hair's inner structure, so the hair is moisturized and shiny from the inside out.
Is there a scent?
The fragrance is a blend of naturally derived essential oils, with a citrus scent centered on mandarin and pink lotus.
It says it can be used on hair, body and face, but can it be used on lips?
Can I put it on my face and lips over my makeup to moisturize when I'm out and about?Dewy Elixir Oil can also be used on the lips, but it has not been developed specifically for lip care, so please use it under observation.
It can also be used as a moisturizer over makeup. Please adjust the amount of product used appropriately.
Although the product is not phototoxic under ultraviolet light, it is recommended that sunscreen be used in advance when exposed to strong or prolonged sunlight.
Bohemian Sea Water
Should I put the foam on my hair without breaking it?
Please extend the product firmly into your hand.
Does salt turn my hair white after styling?
Although it contains sea salt, it does not leave a white residue after styling.
It contains ethanol, but is it derived from petroleum?
Ethanol is derived from plants (sugarcane).
The applied area hardened to a crisp.
Is this the right way to use it?If too much is applied to some areas, it will harden to a crisp. When applying to the hair, hand comb through the hair several times from the roots to the ends and apply evenly throughout the hair.
dewy shimmer whip
Does shampooing styled hair reduce the amount of lather?
It is made with a formula that can be rinsed off with just hot water, so it will foam if rinsed thoroughly before shampooing.
Can it be used as a wax?
This styling cream does not have as much hold as wax, but is recommended for moisturizing and nuanced arrangements.
About Subscription Purchases
What is your delivery policy?/p>
Delivery date cannot be specified for the first order.
The first delivery date will be the normal shipping date (2-4 business days after the order is placed).
You can choose your desired delivery interval from among four types (30, 45, 60, and 90 days).
(*Some products are available in 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 days.)
Can I specify a specific date and time?
Date and time cannot be specified for the first delivery.
You can specify the date of your next delivery from My Page.
*You may change the delivery date and time up to one week before the next delivery.
How to change your next scheduled delivery date from My Page*.
You can change the scheduled delivery date by clicking "Confirm Details" from the list of regular purchases and then clicking "Change" on the scheduled delivery date.
To do so, please uncheck the 【No Specified】 checkbox at the top of the calendar, select the desired date from the calendar, and click the buttons in the order of "Change,," "Save," and "OK" to complete the change of the scheduled delivery date.
(If you change the scheduled delivery date from "No specified date" to "Specified date", this check box will remain unchecked.)
*My Page requires free membership registration.
Can I ship with regular items?
Regular orders and subscription items cannot be shipped together.
The product will be delivered separately from regular products. Please understand.
Can I apply for multiple subscription products at the same time?
You can apply at the same time.
Please note that if the delivery cycle is different, the page for confirming the details of regular products will be separated.
Can I use coupons or points?
Neither coupons nor points can be used for regular delivery.
Can I change my subscription during the subscription period?
The following changes can be made from My Page up to one week before the next scheduled delivery date.
・Scheduled delivery date
・Delivery interval (30, 45, 60, 90 days)
*Some products are available in 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 days.
・Skip Next Delivery
・cancellation of contract
・Payment method (credit card information)*Please note that if you make a change within one week, the change will be applied to the next session.
*You may change the delivery date and time at least one week before the next delivery.
Can I change my payment method?
You can make changes from My Page.
Please click the "Change Payment Method" button in the "Subscription List" on "My Page".
Clicking the "Send" button on the Change Payment Method screen will send you an e-mail with instructions for changing your credit card.An email with edited payment information will be sent to the registered address.
Please confirm the contents before finalizing the payment information.
Can I return or exchange my order?
We cannot accept returns or exchanges of products for customer's convenience.
If the product is defective or different from the ordered product, please contact us in advance at the following address.*We will not be able to respond to items returned without contacting us.
*Please contact us within 7 days of receipt of goods.
What if I want to restart my subscription after cancelling it?
Please contact us via Contact Us with your name and the subscription product you wish to resume.